Undoing Recent Local Commits in Git: Steps you need to know

Maintaining Clean git history is good to have and require while changes of code is done. Occasionally, You need to rework on code or rectify error or need to correct changes after recent commit which require undo recent local commit. You need to know all steps of undoing the most recent local commits in Git given below.

Step 1: Identify the Commits want to Undo:

If you want to undo just the most recent commit, it’s a straightforward process. However, if you want to undo multiple commits, you’ll need to specify the commit range.

Step 2: Undo Commits Using git reset:

Use the git reset command with the --soft option to undo the most recent commit while keeping the changes in your working directory,

This command will move the HEADpointer to the previous commit, effectively “uncommitting” the most recent changes.

Step 3: Review Changes:

After the reset, your changes from the undone commit will be staged but not committed. Use git status to review the staged changes and ensure they are as expected.

Step 4: Adjust Staging and Commit:

You can now make any necessary changes to the staged files before committing. Use git add to stage the changes you want to keep, and then commit:

Step 5: Force Push :

After pushing the changes to a remote repository and need to update it, you might need to perform a force push:

Important Note:
Be cautious with force pushing, as it rewrites history. Only use it if you’re sure of the consequences and understand the impact on collaborators.

Final Words

Undo recent local commits in Git require git reset command in proper manner. By above steps you can confidently manage your Git history and correct mistakes in your codebase.

See also  Manage and View Browsing Search History